
Showing posts from August, 2011

"Invalid Restore" error

when opening pdf document in members area of web site, document opens error box states "invalid restore". i have tried on 3 different computers , both ie 7 , firefox , same error. any ideas on causing this? i same error message when opening pdf doc recieved in outlook - judging date of last entry forum cesspool stuff aren't interested in supporting.  free stuff, it's it's worth.. s More discussions in Acrobat Reader adobe

Use of SerialEvent()

hi,   i'd use serialevent() capture incoming software serial data cannot seem it. the first of 2 following codes works it's not using serialevent() option. but second code fails , it's using serialevent() option. what doing wrong? and, practice using serialevent()? perhaps, don't need it. tia code: [select] /* incoming data:     t0123456789     s012345678901234567     ip192.168.0.12 */ #include <softwareserial.h> softwareserial esp_serial(10, 11); // rx, tx string epoch; void readepoch(void); void setup() {   // open serial communications , wait port open:   serial.begin(9600);   esp_serial.begin(9600);   delay(10); } void loop() {   readepoch();   serial.println(epoch);  //works!! prints 0123456789   delay(1000); } void readepoch() {   string readstring;   while (esp_serial.available()) {     delay(10);  //small delay allow input buffer fill     char c = esp_ser...

Controlling LedStrip

hi guys, first let me introduce myself, im marvin , i've been interested in leds , kind of stuff, came idea control ws2811 ledstrip visual basic program, works there's huge delay between pressing button making leds green , happening, around 1/2 seconds. there anyway cant speed up? because when use application " vixen lights" works instantly. i've added effect "fire2012" project, smooth effect. changes every 1/2 seconds to. the rx light blinks every 1/2 seconds, , when rx light blinks, next color picked played, it's weird, cant find on internet this.. here's code: code: [select] #define num_leds 50 #define data_pin 6   //fire #define brightness  200 #define frames_per_second 60 #define cooling  55 #define sparking 120   crgb leds[num_leds]; int val;   //fire bool greversedirection = false;   bool isstrobewhiteon = false; bool isfireon = false;     //-----------------------------------setup----------...

Thread: Burn .toc / unknown created by Brasero

i created few 'images' brasero few days ago burn @ future point in time, today. first thing noticed while copying 'images' there 2 files, 1 sans extension , 1 .toc, not single .iso i'm used dealing with. unfortunately did not have internet access while copying unable obtain clarification or how proceed. have around 50 of these pairs convert music cds. after googling have yet obtain relevant info on how proceed. running jaunty same problem here! created image while ago , sure did brasero. have small myimage.toc , larger myimage when hit 'burn image' brasero , choose .toc file, brasero still asks me image... ideas? btw: jaunty used here well... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Burn .toc / unknown created by Brasero Ubuntu

time frame on the cache for aduino

hi all, simple question newbie.. if programmed arduino lets light blink program.. , turned off ie removed power, how long program remain in system.. example.. i load arduino light blink program, have errand run, unplug arduino, program still on 5 hours later, or have redownload it. time frame having redo it. , there anyway ie battery backup keep in memmory.. cheers keith quote from: krappleby on jan 06, 2017, 10:04 am if programmed arduino lets light blink program.. , turned off ie removed power, how long program remain in system.. until end of time. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > time frame on the cache for aduino arduino

Three serial channels on Arduino UNO

i working on rfid reader communicate serially arduino uno on pin (2 , 3). also, displaying information on serial lcd connected pins (10, , 11) i save information @ sd card using arduino wifi shield, possible? you need move lcd pins. sd cards use spi interface - sck-miso-mosi on 13-12-11, , slave select on 10 usually, or 4. if 4, 10 needs output arduino spi master, if not being used spi. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Three serial channels on Arduino UNO arduino

Thread: Kahel OS (Comparison with Ubuntu)

the other kahel os thread closed. hope thread provide ubuntu users looking rolling release gnome distribution reviews of kahel os. if posting: please don't talk theft arch. has been covered in other threads , on other forums. no license politics please. please don't talk other distributions (aside ubuntu , kahel os). if must, please create new thread. please don't post unless have used december 2009 release of kahel os yourself. people not interested in how used be. please post questions regarding kahel os in kahel os forums, not here. downloading cd image now. log of impressions , experience pc follow shortly. supposed discuss in thread? seems advertising me. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Kahel OS (Comparison with Ubuntu) Ubuntu

Joomla! 1.5 RC3 klar til download - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

så er joomla! 1.5 rc3 - kodenavn takriban - klar til download  den kan downloades på joomlacode her: ... ge_id=2892 læs hele den engelske meddelelse her:,219954.0.html dansk diskussion her:,219966.0.html * fuld oversættelse af den engelske meddelelse følger... Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Meddelelser

Bluetooth 2 Mega 2560 Cards / LDR and LED

folks, have project have been working on. able attach led (pin13) , ldr (pina) on same board , make work - when light on ldr, led off , vice versa. trying place led on 1 mega card , ldr on separate mega card , have them communicate through bluetooth module connected 5v, gnd, rx , tx pins on both cards. code bluetooth modules completed using @ commands in com1 window setting 1 master , other slave. below have submitted code have been trying confused. submitted photo of schematic. led card code: [select] const int ledpin = 13; void setup() {    serial.begin(38400); //my understanding sets baud rate    pinmode(ledpin, output); //this should initialize led output } void loop() {    if (ldrstatus <= 300) {       digitalwrite(ledpin, high); //turns led on       serial.println("ldr dark, led on"); //writes out message in window }    esle {       digitalwrite(ledpin, low); //turns led off...

Multithumb caption issue - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everyone, tried searching forums don't think had issue must did wrong or missed out.; (this site show sample under events) i've created gallery captions. , except notice captions gets cut off. in developer's site, can see thumbnail's caption able split or add line accommodate characters , conform within thumbnails width , height settings. i tried editing css style sheet for  mtcapstyle --> overflow:hidden; show no luck   text overflowed out of thumbnails box. guess i'm trying wordwrap feature. hopefully might able spot missed out. appreciated. thanks! i guess no 1 must have experienced problem able me figure out...  Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Plugins/Mambots

Sainsmart 3.2 TFT Touch not working after restart

sorry bring sainsmart issue topic again, i'm kind of struggling. i've got sainsmart 3.2 tft display, can write sketch , execute program perfectly, when unplug usb , plug in, or restart computer (anything turns power arduino off , on) display works, touch functions not. i know same topic has been discussed here cannot see resolution anywhere. i've attached code file, it's long post in message. i'm mechanical technician trade, not programmer, please bare me  if can it'd appreciated. thanks connor p.s further rc lawnmower project, videos of it's progress here. proof of concept -- deck control prototype -- same here. been searching forever fix. did ever find one? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Disp...

Thread: Causes of a slow login?

i installed 9.10 scratch on ssd , after both boot time (to gdm login) , login (from gdm gnome) lightning fast. took couple of seconds grub gdm, , couple gdm gnome. however, copied /home previous hard disk, , gdm -> gnome login time quite longer. /home quite big, not have lot of panel applets or stuff running. question is: causes gdm -> gnome login time? thing changed /home. .gnome* , .config cause of this? or amount of other, "regular" files in /home? way find out? cheers! can configuration, surely. see no reason why huge home should make difference @ all, files being read have effect, ie, containing configuration of gnome, etc etc. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Causes of a slow login? Ubuntu

Thread: The story of Tux 2

this story of tux. please no zombies tux got 1 morning, went computer , looked @ his... email, filled random junk mail how in 2012 zombie apocalypse happen. enraged @ fact had 5000000000 pieces of junk mail, tux... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Cafe Games The story of Tux 2 Ubuntu

Thread: Trying to force and Opera userjs to work in Midori...

so, don't know javascript, , less inner workings of midori. here userjs got opera forums: code: // ==userscript== // @name blockit, noscript extension firefox, different. // @author shoust // @version 1.5 // @description best way describe extension firefox, noscript extension firefox allows selective blocking/unblocking of scripts in page, same , more, allows blocking/unblocking of iframes,embedded content , images well, plus default, keeps elements based on site unblocked, things not based on site blocked. // @include * // ==/userscript== (function() { if (location.hash != '#nsoff' && ! && !location.href.match(/\.(svgz?|jpe?g|js|txt|png|gif|bmp|css)$/)) { /*check if script needs executed. */ var cornerposition = 4; // 1 = top left, 2=top right , 3=bottom left , 4=bottom right etc, makes button show options in either top or bottom of page. var blocksiteresource...

Thread: youre kidding me right?

what this?! 16 hrs rip dvd?! attached images screenshot.jpg (63.3 kb, 290 views) damn! have got on thing? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe youre kidding me right? Ubuntu

Bug report - class Print, function size_t print(const __FlashStringHelper *);

ide version 1.6.12 not sure supposed report sort of thing, here place any. there appears bug in function size_t print::print(const __flashstringhelper *) such 'prints' first charter of flash string. i calling print function on object of derived class below. there no implementation of function print(...) in class assume calling print function in base class. class udp derived class stream , class stream derived class print (all in arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino) my receiving windows application receiving first character of string. but ss changed arduino sketch code use size_t print::write(const char *buffer, size_t size), receiving windows application received full string. code: [select] class wifiespudp : public udp { private:   uint8_t _sock;  // socket id wiz5100   uint16_t _port; // local port listen on       uint16_t _remoteport;   char _remotehost[30]; public:   wifiespudp();  // constructor   virtual ui...

Thread: Problems with ubuntu install laptop

hello, i'm new using ubuntu. installed 9.10 on both dell dimension 8100 desktop , hp presario v5200 laptop. desktop install clean, no problems haven't gotten worked out point. laptop has few problems though used same install disk both, touchpad haywire, cursor moves on place , willnot click, ubuntu won't download anything, when tried enable repository in synaptic mgr download updates gives me message "cannot resolve" unable download flash player etc. seems fundamental problem install, run this? burn new cd same iso or download new iso , burn cd , try reinstall. laptop have problematic hardware. try alternate cd. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Problems with ubuntu install laptop Ubuntu

3 serials topology on Pro Mini

hello guys, i make unit, based on pro mini 5v 16mhz, has 3 serial channels. channel #1 used read / write data  , rc turbine engine ecu. @ fixed 9600 baud. channel #2 used talk sbus2 futaba receiver @ 100k baud (has hw serial guess). channel needs minimum latency both read , write, out of state machine in code , run every main loop. channel #3 used transfer parsed data  channel #1 bt module (can configure baud rate like). and lastly, channel #4 i2c print data on lcd. would recommendations far baud rates , serial libraries (hw.serial, sw.serial , alt.sw.serial , on). i did read tips on altswserial github page: here relevant quote: "using both softwareserial , altsoftserial it possible use both softwareserial , altsoftserial, , of course hardwareserial, have 3 serial ports! however, baud rates must chosen carefully! because softwareserial creates 10 bit times of la...

begrenzte Fähigkeit des Atmel328p Kommazahlen mit ausreichend hoher Genauigkeit

also ich spiele mit arduino und weiße nicht , warum mein code nicht funktionniert. ich möchte eine additon mit großer zahlen führen. die zahlen haben festkommazahlen. bsp  a =150000000.5 und b= 0.5; ich führe  c= a+b durch ; oder die multiplikation  von mal b geht auch.(c=a*b) leider der kompiler vernachlässigt immer meine kommastelle. bezugsweise meine (0.5) hintere stelle. ich weiße es nicht, wie ich das problem lösen kann. gibt es eine bibliothek, die die floating-point oder double -werte berechnungen emuliert kann.   code: [select] #include <spi.h> #include<math.h> void setup() { serial.begin (9600); uint32_t rf= 150000003.5; double b= 3.5;  double k= rf+b;  serial.println(rf);  serial.println(k);       } völlig normal. das ist auch auf dem pc nicht anders. auf 8-bit arduinos ist float das gleiche wie double. 6-7 signifikante stellen (d.h. alle ziffern!) bedeutet. nimm einen 32-bit arduino. ...

adobe reader has stopped working

i have toshiba portable vista updated (according windows update). machine has 2 users. 1 of them reader seem work ok, other user vista reports reader has stopped working try open pdf ie, or if have opened pdf local disk, , click help. seem vistas execution supervision stops it. reader downloaded yesterday (i cannot see version since vista says has stopped working click help...) i have toshiba portable, vista, verizon fios, msn premium , adobe 8.1.1 everytime on web site has pdf file adobe gets file shuts down, closes msn , tells me windows let me know if discover solution. i getting tired of this. have uninstalled adobe 8.1.1 , reloaded no avail. i hope there out there. adobe doesn't offer much. More discussions in Acrobat Reader adobe

Some popout menus not working - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i brand new joomla - installed 2 hours ago  in admin section few popout menus, such in components menu "banners" pops out , has couple of options in submenu, submenus not popping out, such "statistics" or "tempalte manager" site menu.  should able pop out, when first installed , having around template manager 1 did pop out, haven't been able since then.  don't think i've changed settings stop (as others still pop out). can please point me might fix this?  or need reinstall , start over? thanks, mike. more likely, browser isn't rendering menues properly, have tried browser? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

Array of Functions?

i wrote number of functions or called in code "scenes", , want 1 called randomly @ time. tried make array of functions can generate random number , decide scene called. made variable "myfunctions" supposed array of functions. tried make pointer , void function , tried making int, error "'myfunctions not have name type'". there better way make array of functions , why getting error? in advance. code: [select] int myfunctions[] = { scene1(), scene2(), scene3(), scene4(), scene5(), scene6(), scene7(), scene8(), scene9(), scene10(), scene11(), scene12(), scene13(), scene14(), scene15(), scene16(), scene17(), scene18(), scene19(), scene20(), scene21(), scene22(), scene23(), scene24(), scene25(), scene26(), scene27(), scene28(), scene29(), scene30(), scene31(), scene32(), scene33(), scene34(), scene35(), scene36(), scene37(), scene38(), scene39(), scene40(), scene41(), scene42(), scene43(), scene44(), scene45(), scene46(), scene47(), scene48...

Thread: All karmic sound fix, script :d

easy sound fix karmic 9.10 ubuntu ubuntu karmic 9.10 sound fix solved did fresh install , did full update, waited , 24 hrs later did another, installed ati catalyst, then….. redone more recent pakages, well, removed couple useless ones doesnt involve removing pulse. gets sound through hdmi earphones , laptop speakers works sudo aptitude install libdns53 libdns53 ureadahead alsa-oss alsa-base alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui alsa-utils alsa-oss linux-sound-base asoundconf-gtk cabextract flashplugin-installer freepats gnome-alsamixer gsfonts-x11 gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg libesd-alsa0 gnome-alsamixer gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse ia32-libs java-common lib32asound2 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6 lib32v4l-0 lib32z1 liba52-0.7.4 libao2 libass3 libaudclient2 libaudcore1 ...

Help - Admin Panel is white page - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

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Thread: Accessing a second hard drive

now getting pissed off! not @ here, place help, that's sure. given paucity of words of wisdom have reinstalled karmic, formatting / part of re-installation cd. have 2 hard drives. after reinstallation able mount second hard disk password. updated repostories; added medibuntu repository per instructions of psychocat's website , updated again. have added wife second user , it, have done. cannot access 2nd hard drive (unable mount 310 gb filesystem, authentication required). again visit system/admin/users , groups, , unable make changes. again ask, going on here? start identify problem can rectify problem , once again access used to? hakim any clues welcome! logs check? having reinstalled, right assume problem lies in /home partition? hakim Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help Accessing a sec...

Arduino uno r3 not getting sketches

hi, got sunfounder arduino uno r3 christmas , when try upload sketch it says "an error occurred while uploading sketch". the entire error dialog says: arduino: 1.8.0 (windows 7), board: "arduino/genuino uno" c:\program files (x86)\arduino\arduino-builder -dump-prefs -logger=machine -hardware c:\program files (x86)\arduino\hardware -tools c:\program files (x86)\arduino\tools-builder -tools c:\program files (x86)\arduino\hardware\tools\avr -built-in-libraries c:\program files (x86)\arduino\libraries -libraries c:\users\boys\documents\arduino\libraries -fqbn=arduino:avr:uno -vid-pid=0x2341_0x0043 -ide-version=10800 -build-path c:\users\boys\appdata\local\temp\arduino_build_596365 -warnings=none -prefs=build.warn_data_percentage=75\program files (x86)\arduino\hardware\tools\avr\program files (x86)\arduino\hardware\tools\avr\program files (x86)\ardu...

A shoutcast server for joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

can make component or module enable joomla site shoutcast server..       wherein dj's or broadcast geeks can connect , broadcast using joomla...     drupal has shoutcast module. hope joomla coders can develop 1. links below guide.....     links : jskyradio ?????? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Thread: Karmic virtual terminal transparancy issue

hi all, have installed 9.1 , use semi-transparent terminal can see text under it, on karmic, shows desktop background underneath. ideas how fix this? well if want not xray (it shouldnt anyways) set transparency in normal terminal window instance guake or urxvt. urxvt have fiddle bit flags. example, make file called .xdefaults in our home ~/* directory, put following; urxvt.transparent: true urxvt.inheritpixmap: true urxvt.foreground: white open terminal (urxvt if youre using ) , do; $ xrdb merge .xdefaults rerun urxvt. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Karmic virtual terminal transparancy issue Ubuntu

Alternative to stepper Libary

hello, i'm using stepper libary run bipolar stepper. problem when i'm runing motor in "loop" have wait until stepper finished steps before loop continues. as in attached code, how make led blink while motor runs? is there maybe different stepper libary oder else? thanks response code: [select] #include <stepper.h> const int stepsperrevolution = 200;  stepper mystepper(stepsperrevolution, 8, 9, 10, 11); void setup() {   mystepper.setspeed(60);   pinmode(2, output); } void loop() {   mystepper.step(stepsperrevolution);   mystepper.step(-stepsperrevolution);   digitalwrite(2, high);   delay(100);   digitalwrite(2, low);   delay(100);   digitalwrite(2, high);   delay(100);   digitalwrite(2, low); } quote i have wait until stepper finished steps before loop continues. why? code: [select]    for(int i=0; i<numberofsteps; i++)    {       stepp...

Upload sketch over IP Arduino DUE

hello        je recherche tuto et info pour implémenter upload on ip sur les due . modif bootloader etc ... j'avoue être perdu dans tout ce que j'ai trouvé      merci beaucoup par avance .. Arduino Forum > International > Français (Moderators: jfs, Snootlab) > Upload sketch over IP Arduino DUE arduino

html and flash landing pages for Joomla sites Help! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i creating joomla! site , want use flash .swf movie, or html page first thing visitor sees. landing page.  how do this?  someone please me, have deadline looming.  thanks. one way create separate module, , assign home page. don't have load joomla's module positions in template, don't have have menus , other features on page. still have home item in mainmenu (required proper functionality) home page whatever html or flash want ti be., Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Motor Shield R3 et moteur Pas à Pas

bonjour à tous, je suis actuellement sur le déplacement d'un moteur pas à pas avec un motor shield r3, j'arrive à le faire tourner simplement dans un sens et dans l'autre avec ce code: code: [select] #include <stepper.h> const int stepsperrevolution = 200;  // change fit number of steps per revolution                           // motor // initialize stepper library on motor shield stepper mystepper(stepsperrevolution, 12,13);     // give motor control pins names: const int pwma = 3; const int pwmb = 11; const int brakea = 9; const int brakeb = 8; const int dira = 12; const int dirb = 13; int x = 0; void setup() { serial.begin(9600); // set pwm , brake pins direction pins  // can used control motor: pinmode(pwma, output); pinmode(pwmb, output); pinmode(brakea, output); pinmode(brakeb, output); digitalwrite(pwma, high); digitalwrite(pwmb, high); digitalwrite(brakea, low); ...