MS Excel based fonts editor-converter for Adafruit, UTFT, Squix librarys

binfontstool 0.2.5 - ms excel based fonts editor-converter adafruit, utft, squix librarys

open , edit fonts c files adafruit classic, adafruit gfx, utft,  utft_binfonts, squix v2 , v3 libraries fonts, binary versions of fonts, adobe bdf files. save in listed formats. creating own fonts. set of editing , encoding tools.

to use fonts regional encoding, necessary use function of converting two-byte encoding of utf-8 native one-byte one. example russian language, function of translating symbols utf-8 ansi win-1251

convert font type bdf file can using program fontforge:

squix library support participation louis roll
see online fonts editor:

notice: long open large files.

new version 0.2a

- added support adafruit gfx fonts.
- operations performed through dialog windows.
- width of edited font increased 32 bytes.

Arduino Forum > Community > Exhibition / Gallery > MS Excel based fonts editor-converter for Adafruit, UTFT, Squix librarys



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